Boo! Is Anxiety Sneaking up on You?

It’s the season for all things spooky, and untreated anxiety is one thing that is downright terrifying. 

We all feel anxious at one time or another, but when anxiety starts interfering with daily life, it’s time to get some help. As parents or caregivers, we can find ourselves either feeling helpless or striving to “fix” our child’s anxiety. There is no simple answer for anxiety, but research shows there are things parents can do to help get kids on the right path.

Acceptance & Assurance Go Together Like Mac & Cheese

One way parents and caregivers can encourage children is through how we talk to them. Try using something called a “Mac & Cheese statement.” This is when you take two things that are fine on their own, but are magic when you put them together - just like Mac & Cheese. In this case, it’s acceptance and assurance. By combining a mix of accepting fears with a belief kids can handle more than they think they can, you can create magic.


Here is an example of what that might sound like:

“I know you feel nervous about sleeping in your own bed tonight, but I know you can handle it.”

Kids feel more confident when they learn they are able to handle their own anxious feelings. Give your child a weighted stuffed animal like FluffyWeight to help them find calm, try a little mac & cheese support statement and see what happens. 

(Please remember, this is not intended to be medical advice. When in doubt, ask your child’s pediatrician, school counselor or psychologist.)

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